Merry Christmas, everyone!
Hope you all have had a wonderful Christmas Day today. :) What were some things that you did?
Ian and I had a lovely lie in this morning, then woke up and had a bucks fizz (which, I do not suggest if you are a lightweight drinker AND you've not had anything to eat for over 8 hours due to sleep).
Then we hemmed and hawed as to whether or not to have breakfast (it was a no). We watched National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, then prepared our Christmas dinner. We had lovely honey glazed ham, veg, roast potatoes, cranberry and cashew stuffing, and I had cranberry sauce and a bit of sweet potato. It was delicious.
Our friend Mel phoned as well today, so big shout out to her! :) Mel and her fiance, Rob, got us a really cute calendar with pictures of the 4 of us throughout the last year or so. VERY cute and sweet, so thanks again, you two!
We watched Elf afterwards. Ian had a little laugh fest. Was nice. :)
After Elf and my shower, we opened presents (yay!). Ian got me some really cool things this year.
Some original Beatles items (woo hoo!):
A couple of CDs, this Weenicon of John Lennon (WAY cute), and a DVD Marilyn Monroe collection (since I didn't bring all of my films over with me, plus the majority from the collection were ones I didn't even have in the States). Then Matt and Carol got me a lovely bath set.
I got Ian new slippers, 4 books, 2 CDs, a Spurs scarf, a lazer gun for the Wii, and the new Call of Duty game (which my sister-in-law, K, went in on with me). Also got him some good smellies from Mary Kay.
The aftermath of opening presents:
Now, we're home, and I'm just waiting to call my Mom and brother back. I had called once and got the answering machine, so needed to wait a bit I think to try back.
So, hope everyone had a lovely day!!! And don't drink TOO much on Boxing Day. :p
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