Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day 320 of 365: It Was One Year Ago Today

A beautiful robin chillin' on a birdbath at the hospital where my MIL is.

Ian and I went to see my MIL today at the hospital. She's been moved to one closer to home, but still not officially out yet.

Buuutt....I reminded her that it was one year ago today that Ian and I landed at Heathrow airport, thus beginning our life in England together. Can't believe it's been a year already!

It's had its ups and downs, I will say...buuutt...I'm living and learning, and I've made some great friends since living here. Don't know what I'd do without my peeps, especially my expat friends (I will quote Jamie on this one, because aside from Ian my expat friends are my bezzies). Plus I've gained a pretty cool English family.

I've seen lots of great things, experienced a lot, felt a lot of heartache dealing with distance, lack of communication, and missing people and things, but also had a lot of laughs.

Moving away and living in a new country certainly puts things in a different perspective. It has made me look at how my life really was when I was living in Ohio. I can now see why my Dad encouraged me to move. Won't go into too much detail, because I do not want to hurt anyone by saying something here, and I don't know who actually reads my blog...but the way things have been since I moved have not gone the way I had imagined them too. I think my expectations were too high? I have a lot of "What if's" that go through my brain, but then I have to try and listen to the advice of Ian and others. And I know if I need a good cry I can go to Ian and others.

No matter how hard things get though, or how I feel, at least I have some great people along side of me to help me on my journey. :) So thank you!

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