Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Day 196 of 365: A Night of Good Friends, Good Food, and Good Drinks

Ian and I had our friends Mel and Rob come down to visit.

Rob and Mel just got engaged in Paris this past Sunday, and since Rob lives near London, after they got back they came down to visit The New Forest with us.

We went into Winchester for a meal and walk around, although it rained TERRIBLY and it was really cold. Bah!

Then it was off to the hotel where a night of laughs, fun, food, and lots of drinking began and ended.

Mel was quite concerned for me though. I ordered a Bacardi and Coke, and she said "Oh, hon, you're drinking lots of different stuff....." I had no beer, but lots of wine, cider, champagne, and spirits. I was good though, but well and drunk. :)

Then the gifts that Ian and I got the newly engaged couple were used later on, for photos that are inappropriate for anyone's

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